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FormWizard Component

titleThe title of the form wizard. It can be a string or a ReactNode.sample
subtitleThe subtitle or description of the form wizard.sample
shapeThe shape of the wizard tabs (e.g., "circle", "square").sample
colorThe color of the wizard tabs and progress bar.sample
childrenThe content of the form wizard, including the form tabs and their content.In each demo
nextButtonTextThe text for the "Next" button.-
nextButtonTemplateA function with one argument for customize footer next buttonsample
backButtonTextThe text for the "Back" button.-
backButtonTemplateA function with one argument for customize footer back buttonsample
finishButtonTextThe text for the "Finish" button.
finishButtonTemplateA function with one argument for customize footer finish buttonsample
stepSizeThe size of the steps (e.g., "xs", "sm", "md", "lg").sample
layoutThe layout of the form wizard (e.g., "horizontal", "vertical").-
startIndexThe index started default is 0sample
disableBackOnClickStep v.0.2.4 A boolean value to disable back button when click on step (tab) default:false `(v)-
showProggressBar v.0.2.4 A boolean value to show progress bar default:true-
inlineStep v.0.2.4 A boolean value to show step (tab) inline default:falsesample
darkMode v.0.2.4 A boolean value to show dark mode default:falsesample
customDarkModeColor v.0.2.4 A object value to show custom dark mode color default: {}sample
removeBackgroundTab v.0.2.4 A boolean value to remove tab background default:falsesample
removeBackgroundTabTransparentColor v.0.2.4 A string value to remove tab background transparent color default: ''sample
onCompleteA callback function to be called when the form wizard is completed.In each demo
onTabChangeA callback function to be called when the active tab is changed.sample

FormWizard.TabContent Component

The FormWizard.TabContent component is used to define each tab's content and accepts the following props:

titleThe title of the tab.In each demo
iconThe icon for the tab. (string,HTML element)sample
isValidA boolean value indicating whether the tab is valid or not.sample
validationErrorThe validation error message to be displayed when the tab is not valid. (Function)sample
showErrorOnTab v.0.2.4 A boolean value to show error message on tab default:falsesample
showErrorOnTabColor v.0.2.4 A string value to show error message color on tab default:redsample

Please refer to the component's source code or documentation for additional props and more detailed information.