FormWizard Component
Prop | Description | Samples |
title | The title of the form wizard. It can be a string or a ReactNode. | sample |
subtitle | The subtitle or description of the form wizard. | sample |
shape | The shape of the wizard tabs (e.g., "circle", "square"). | sample |
color | The color of the wizard tabs and progress bar. | sample |
children | The content of the form wizard, including the form tabs and their content. | In each demo |
nextButtonText | The text for the "Next" button. | - |
nextButtonTemplate | A function with one argument for customize footer next button | sample |
backButtonText | The text for the "Back" button. | - |
backButtonTemplate | A function with one argument for customize footer back button | sample |
finishButtonText | The text for the "Finish" button. | |
finishButtonTemplate | A function with one argument for customize footer finish button | sample |
stepSize | The size of the steps (e.g., "xs", "sm", "md", "lg"). | sample |
layout | The layout of the form wizard (e.g., "horizontal", "vertical"). | - |
startIndex | The index started default is 0 | sample |
disableBackOnClickStep v.0.2.4 | A boolean value to disable back button when click on step (tab) default:false `(v) | - |
showProggressBar v.0.2.4 | A boolean value to show progress bar default:true | - |
inlineStep v.0.2.4 | A boolean value to show step (tab) inline default:false | sample |
darkMode v.0.2.4 | A boolean value to show dark mode default:false | sample |
customDarkModeColor v.0.2.4 | A object value to show custom dark mode color default: {} | sample |
removeBackgroundTab v.0.2.4 | A boolean value to remove tab background default:false | sample |
removeBackgroundTabTransparentColor v.0.2.4 | A string value to remove tab background transparent color default: '' | sample |
onComplete | A callback function to be called when the form wizard is completed. | In each demo |
onTabChange | A callback function to be called when the active tab is changed. | sample |
FormWizard.TabContent Component
The FormWizard.TabContent
component is used to define each tab's content and accepts the following props:
Prop | Description | Samples |
title | The title of the tab. | In each demo |
icon | The icon for the tab. (string,HTML element) | sample |
isValid | A boolean value indicating whether the tab is valid or not. | sample |
validationError | The validation error message to be displayed when the tab is not valid. (Function) | sample |
showErrorOnTab v.0.2.4 | A boolean value to show error message on tab default:false | sample |
showErrorOnTabColor v.0.2.4 | A string value to show error message color on tab default:red | sample |
Please refer to the component's source code or documentation for additional props and more detailed information.